
dr hab. Mostefa Ider, prof. Menedżerskiej Akademii Nauk Stosowanych

Ph.D. in Mathematics, From Laval University, Canada .  Lecturer in Operations Research, Mathematics, Descriptive Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, and Econometrics at WSHIU Poznan.  Ex-Professor of Strategic Management in the Department of Strategy and Methods of Management at Wroclaw University of Economics, and in charge of The Modules of Strategic Management, Operations Management, and Business Analytics in the International Executive MBA program. Business Analytics and Marketing Research lecturer at Collegium Civitas.  Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Scientific Research at the European Business School in Poznan (Europejska Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Poznaniu).  Former Director of MBA Programs at Swiss Business School in Zurich, Switzerland.  Former Dean of European University in Switzerland. Ex-Director of Management and Organization and Senior Advisor in Strategic Planning and Business Development to the Rector at PWSBiA. Holder of three (3) Best Paper Awards in three (3) Conferences from 2015 to 2016, including one for the entire conference. Professor at WSB- National Louis University in Nowy Sącz, Lazarski School of Commerce and Law, Warsaw University, University of Bialystok in the MBA Program, Krakow University of Economics in the MBA Program, and Zachoniopomorska Szkoła Biznesu in the BBA and MBA Programs. Visiting lecturer in numerous foreign universities in Germany, Russia, Kazakhstan, Qatar, India, and Latvia, where he taught at the BBA, MBA, and Doctorate levels.  Ex President of  Galileo Business Group Ltd, a training and consulting firm. Management Consultant. Senior Consultant in Mergers and Acquisitions and Financial Advisory Services at J P Mergers and Finance in Germany.  Ex-Professor at The Department of Operations and Systems of Decisions at Laval University’s Business School in Canada. Ex-visiting professor of Quantitative Business Methods at  The Faculty of Business Administration of The University of New Brunswick at  Moncton, Canada. Ex-Professor of Mathematics at the University of Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.

Wybrane publikacje

Mostefa IDER


Publications in Mathematics

  • A. Siddiqi, M. Ider; Characterization of inverse-closed Beurling classes, Published online by Cambridge University Press:  04 October 2011.
  • Ider; On the superpostition of functions in carleman classes, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, Volume 39, Issue 3, 1989, pp. . 471-476
  • A. Siddiqi, M. Ider; Characterization of inverse-closed Beurling classes,

       Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 105, (1989), 495-501.

  • Siddiqi, J.A. and Ider, M., ‘Symbolic Calculus in analytic Carleman classes’, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 99 (1987), 347–350.


Most Recent Research In Business &



  • Theoretical and Methodological Perspective Of The Research On Strategic Groups and Performance in A Retail Sector, Transformations in Business & Economics, 2021,Vol.20 Issue 2B, p 925-938,14 p
  • Relationship between the trade balance change, real disposable income, money supply and inflation: an ARDL Model for the United States.


,,Szanse, zagrożenia, wyzwania XXI wieku  wymiarze interdyscyplinarnym’’, May 18 2022.

  • Factors influencing the selection of the mode of entry of the international markets and the determinants of a firm’s competitive advantage in foreign operations for Chinese companies. Paper accepted to be presented at New York International Business and Social Science Research Conference 13-14 July 2018
  • Key Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and the Relationship of OCB with Employee Performance in the Context of Outsourcing. Presented atthe 2017 WEI BOSTON Conference, at

Harvard Faculty Club( Harvard University), Organized by the West-East Institute Cambridge, MA, USA.

  • Outsourcing Partner Selection based on MCDM Problem Formulation. International Workshop On Multiple Criteria, Katowice, March 28, 2017.
  • Antecedents Of Organizational Commitment, and Its Relationship With Employee Performance, In The Context Of Outsourcing. Annual Paris Business Research Conference. Theme: Research For Progress. July 28-29, 2017, Paris, France. Best Paper in Management.
  • Influence Of national Culture On Entrepreneurship, Innovation and, The Country’s Fear Of failure. Tokyo, 2nd International Conference On “Business, Economics, Social Science & Humanities-BESSH-2016, 26-27 March 2016, Tokyo, Japan. Best Paper of The Conference.
  • Antecedents of Structural Empowerment and The Relationship Between Structural Empowerment and Performance”. Proceedings of  9th Asia -Pacific Business Research Conference 5-6 November 2015, Bayview Hotel, Singapore, ISBN: 978-1-922069-87-0. Best Paper Award in Management.
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation and National Culture. Opporutunities For Cooperation Between Europe and Asia, Edited by Magdalena Sitek, and Michal Leski. Alcide De Gasperi University Of Euroregional Economy in Jozefow,Poland 2015. ISBN: 978-83-62753-58-1.
  • An Alternative Model of Growth, With Entrepreneurship and Innovation As Independent Factors of Production. Application To Poland with a comparative study Between Europe, Asia, and North America. Socio-Economic relations between Europe and Asia in the 21st Edited by Magdalena Sitek, and Michal Leski.  Alcide De Gasperi University Of Euro-Regional Economy, Jozefow. Poland. 2015.ISBN: 978-83-62753-53-6.
  • Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and National Culture. To appear in the Journal of Modern Science, Warsaw, September 2015.
  • Identification of The Antecedents of Empowerment, and The Relationship Between Empowerment and Performance. Presented at European  Academic Conference On Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality. Global Challenges  Innovation, In Business Tourism Hospitality, Leisure, Sports & MICE Management 2015. The Harvard Medical School , Boston, May 2015.
  • A Stochastic Goal Programming Model for Energy Mix. The Case Of Poland. Presented at The *2nd Meeting of EURO Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding, Odense, Denmark, Sept 24 2015

Theses Supervision

  • Supervisor of more than 200  Bachelor , Master/ MBA,  and 3 DBA thesis
  1. A substantial research work in the process of publication.



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