
mgr inż. Maulikkumar Golwala

Mgr Maulik Golwala is a distinguished university lecturer with a diverse academic background. He holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration, a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering, and a Diploma in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.

In addition to his academic achievements, Mgr Maulik Golwala has conducted extensive research in the field of “Service quality and customer satisfaction in the hotel industry”, which resulted in his dissertation in 2019. His earlier works include the development of an “Object property detector using microcontroller (89C51)” for his Bachelor’s project and a “Muscle stimulator using microcontroller (89C51)” for his Diploma project.

Currently, Mgr Maulik Golwala is responsible for teaching various subjects related to IT and management, such as Information Technologies and Processes in Management, IT Projects and Service Management, Marketing, HRM, Linear Algebra, Discrete Maths, Basic Electronics, Electronics and Measurement Techniques, Competitive Advantages in Business, AI in customer profiling and Introduction to Business Intelligence, among others. He is also actively involved in the examination and evaluation process.

Prior to his Academic career, Mgr Maulik Golwala gained valuable industry experience as a sales and service engineer at Kiran Enterprise and Biogeny Diagnostics Pvt Ltd between 2014 and 2016. He also worked as an Electronics and Instrumentation Engineer at Gerresheimer, a German glass manufacturer company.

Mgr Maulik golwala’s academic and industry experience make him an exceptional educator who brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to his students. 



Formularz rejestracyjny


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