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Menedżerska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych

35th anniversary of the Erasmus + Program

 This year’s edition of the Education Congress under the slogan “35th anniversary of the Erasmus + Program” was addressed not only to a large group of decision-makers and program beneficiaries, but also to the students themselves. Therefore, the University of Warsaw was chosen as the venue for the event. Almost 900 people took part in the event.

The key topic of the 5th Education Congress was internationalization in the field of broadly understood education, with particular emphasis on the values uniting Europe. As you can see, despite the passage of 35 years, the main idea of the program remains the same – developing international cooperation between educational institutions.

The 5th Education Congress was an excellent occasion to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Erasmus + program. This history of the mobility of students, pupils and teachers in the Erasmus and Erasmus + programs has given Europe extraordinary wealth – a generation of people open to the world, independent, creative, boldly reaching for new educational and cultural. 

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